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All RNAs are outdoors of vesicles (presumably in no cost protein complexes). Identifying RNAs that are actually inside vesicle has critical implications for studying the part of exosome cargo in intercellular communication.LBO.Live tracking of endogenous exosome communication in vivo Frederik J. Verweij1, Philippe Herbomel2, Gra Raposo3, Filippo del Bene4 and Guillaume Van Niel5 αvβ8 supplier exosomes RSK1 medchemexpress Analysis Group Division of Pathology VU University Health-related Center Cancer Center Amsterdam (CCA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Insitut Pasteur; 3Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and Institut Curie, PSL Investigation University, Paris, France; 4 Institut Curie, PSL Investigation University, CNRS, Paris, France; 5Institut Curie, PSL Study University, CNRS, UMR 144, Paris, France /Center for Psychiatry and NeuroscienceSFA-Characterising extracellular RNA inside and outdoors of vesicles Dmitry Ter-Ovanesyan1, Emma J.K. Kowal2, Aviv Regev3 and George M. ChurchIntroduction: Exosomes are a nano-sized subclass of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), released by a wide number of cell types, which have been implicated in lots of essential physiological and pathological processes. Resulting from the lack of appropriate in vivo models, nevertheless, the in vivo dynamics and physiology of exosomes are poorly understood. Strategies: We created an animal model to study endogenous exosomes in vivo by (site-specific) expression of a hCD63-based fluorescent reporter for exosome secretion in zebrafish and used several light- and electron microscopy (LM and EM) tactics for our analysis. Outcomes: A combination of light- and electron microscopy (LM and EM) procedures permitted us to observe exosome release in vivo and track a enormous pool of endogenous exosomes inside the blood flow of zebrafish embryos. Web-site particular expression confirmed that these exosomes originated in the Yolk Syncytial Layer (YSL), a multinucleate cell layer inbetween the yolk plus the establishing embryo with important nutrient transport functions, sharing functional homologies with the mammalian placenta. By Electron Microscopy we observed huge release of EVs from the apical side on the YSL into the blood flow, further confirmingScientific Plan ISEVthe YSL as big source of (CD63+ve) exosomes within the creating embryo. Next, we made use of reside imaging to track endogenous EVs within the blood flow to determine their main targets. CD63+ EVs where preferentially interacting with endothelial cells within the caudal vein and plexus in comparison with the caudal artery. EM revealed endocytosis of these EVs in endosomal compartments of endothelial cells. We detected another significant fraction of exosomes in the interstitial fluid, suggesting extravasation outside in the vasculature of YSL derived EVs. We ultimately observed active and precise endocytosis and storage of CD63+ EVs by scavenging macrophages of the caudal plexus.Summary/Conclusion: Functionally, our information could help a part for YSL derived EVs in nutrient delivery throughout development, which is our current concentrate. Altogether, these information reveal for the initial time the release, journey and target of endogenous exosomes in vivo. We propose the zebrafish embryo as a new model to study endogenous EVs in vivo that will open new avenues to unravel fundamental elements in EV biology. Funding: EMBO ALTF 1383-2014; ARC PDF20160604167 ; Labex CelTisPhyBio post-doc project grants; FRM AJESunday, May 21,Room: Metropolitan West and Centre Wrap-Up Sessions 11:051:35 a.m. Wrap Up Sessions Clinical Speaker: Uta Erdb.

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Author: Sodium channel